Concept to Pitch

Jason Hellerman shares on No Film School: 6 Essential Ways to Prep Your TV Pitch for Studio Execs.

He starts by pointing out: “Every TV show that’s on the air was an idea in someone’s head at one point. and then, it was a pitch that they delivered.

His suggestions, in a nutshell?

  1. Have a clear vision.
  2. Write a compelling logline.
  3. Write a synopsis.
  4. Develop memorable characters.
  5. Practice your pitch.
  6. Incorporate feedback.

He closes with:

“By focusing on comprehensive coverage, crafting a compelling logline and synopsis, developing memorable characters, creating a strong visual presentation, and utilizing feedback for improvement, you can create a pitch that stands out from the competition and captures the attention of network executives.”

My take: This is great advice, and well worth the read!

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