||Superwoman|| brb???

CBC Arts correspondent Eli Glasner reports that Canadian Youtube star Lilly Singh is taking a break. Appropriately, she made the announcement on Youtube:

Understandingly, she wants to prioritize her mental health. She is:

  1. physically, mentally and spiritually exhausted
  2. not happy with her current content
  3. confused by constant Youtube algorithm changes, and
  4. busy with her production company and other commitments

She says she will be right back but needs this break for her sanity and happiness.

Singh was 2017’s highest paid female Youtube star, earning $10.5M and tenth place. She was third on the list in 2016, earning $7.5M.

My take: clearly celebrity takes a toll. Being at the mercy of your platform must be difficult too. One day, your formula works. Some technological tweaks later, it doesn’t: it’s not you, it’s Youtube. Happened to me when Google tweaked its search algorithm and we disappeared off the main page for our search term where we’d been happily ensconced for a decade. Poof!