The Future of Film Showcase 2021

The annual Future of Film Showcase (FOFS) is happening now.

Evan Goldberg (google him if you don’t recognize the name) gave the opening keynote conversation.

Barry Hertz of The Globe and Mail interviewed him leading up to this. On if heading off to Hollywood is the only way to make it, he says:

“Seth and I knew our sensibility was in making huge in-theatre comedies. But if you’re trying to make a dramatic indie film that’s not specifically designed to be a blockbuster that makes a lot of money, then Canada has an incredible system to help you. I feel that Canada is always pushing its filmmakers in an impressive way. Usually there’s the industry that pushes it, but the actual political forces of Canada push it forward, too. But I feel like it’s going to break through in a bigger way soon. Canada has been known as a great place to produce comedians, but there’s a wave of directors and producers coming up, too. And the opportunities are growing: We have giant corporations and studios setting up shop here.”

Most of the Industry Panels have passed or are full but there are still two ZOOM seminars available:

Watch this year’s films on CBC GEM and read about them here.

My take: a worthy cause and event — but maybe slightly ageist, as their definition of emerging means 40 and under. I guess that makes me “post-emerging?” (Back in the day, 30 was the supposed dividing line. Remember, “Don’t trust anyone over 30?”)